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Category: Sanity

Surviving the Holidays Part 1 – The Homeschooling

Surviving the Holidays Part 1 – The Homeschooling

Welcome to my series on homeschooling through the holidays as a highly sensitive homeschooler.

Today is Day 1 – Homeschooling.

Homeschooling in December

It’s no secret that homeschooling can sometimes be difficult for a highly sensitive person under normal conditions.

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Surviving the Holidays as a Highly Sensitive Homeschooler

Surviving the Holidays as a Highly Sensitive Homeschooler

Not sure why God in his goodness ordained that the stressful season of holidays should come right after the November Homeschooling Blahs (if you don’t know what that is I’ll have to do a post on it soon)…maybe the holidays are supposed to be soul filling, but as a highly sensitive mom and homeschooler, it’s hard to experience them that way. I usually feel like I put my head down and plow through none-too-gracefully, then when I come up for air it’s all over and I didn’t enjoy it.

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For Low Energy Homeschoolers

For Low Energy Homeschoolers

Melody over at Blossoming Joy has written a helpful piece on homeschooling, and living in general, with low energy:

How a Low Energy Mama Can Thrive

Are any of you HSPs also low energy? I know I am.  Sometimes I think having my defenses up most of the time to ward off a high energy world is tiring in itself, but now I know I’m also anemic, have low blood pressure, and I have all the symptoms of low thyroid (although I test normal.) Most days are like dragging myself through hot mud.  Which is why this blog has like 3 posts, LOL.  If this sounds like you, too, go over to Melody’s and read all about it. 🙂

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