#write28days of Nervous System Regulation: Day 20 – Changes
Welcome to #write28days of Nervous System Regulation. I can’t believe it is day 20 already! Today’s focus word is “changes,” and boy did applying regulating practices require a lot of changes from me!

In the past few months I have learned to:
- change my inner talk
- change my speed of doing things
- change my way of breathing
- change my willingness to move my body
- change what it even means to inhabit my body
- change my way of accessing my emotions
- change my idea of self-care
I am also changing my idea of fixing myself – I am not broken, nor a “project” to be fixed. I am a person with a life to create. I need to choose my activities and thoughts according to my deeply held values. In essence this is creating a life by my minute to minute actions, not “fixing” something that is broken about me.
Have you made any changes lately? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!