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Category: Daily Life

Seven Quick Takes

Seven Quick Takes


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“You can’t command your feelings, you can only command your will.” – David Jeremiah.  My a-ha moment for the morning.  Not quite an epiphany, because I already believe this**, but something I needed a reminder of this morning. And, as usual, within several minutes of typing this, God showed me how true this is and how much I need to learn to have better command  of my will, since my feelings are right on the surface and come pouring out before I can rein them back in!

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A Day in the Life of this Highly Sensitive Homeschooler

A Day in the Life of this Highly Sensitive Homeschooler

Sharing a pretty typical homeschooling day in the life of me: a highly sensitive, introverted, gifted (read: excitabilities), middle-aged, tired homeschooler, with 5 kids from 16-6…several of whom are sensitive/gifted/introverted as well.  Then there are the extroverts, setting us all off, LOL.

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Monday, it defies description (a daybook)

Monday, it defies description (a daybook)

Photos are from my grainy Instagram feed
(you can follow me on Instagram here: me.the.seeker)

Mondays – I love them and I hate them.  It’s hard to get back into routine, but in my mind it’s only because the weekend is off the routine, which isn’t Monday’s fault.  I like my routine.

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