Write 28 Days – Nervous System Regulation

Write 28 Days – Nervous System Regulation

Tomorrow, the first day of February (can you believe it?), I will be joining in the #write28days blog challenge being hosted at Anita Ojeda’s. We will be posting every day of February on our topic of choice, guided, if we wish, by Anita’s selected daily prompts.

My main focus for the month will be the basics of nervous system regulation, and also retraining after dysregulation — you know, things like feeling anxious, shutting down, or being triggered. The more I learn and experience it, the more I feel nervous system regulation is an essential topic to learn. These practices help us to not just survive but to thrive as highly sensitive people.

As the month progresses, I will come back to this page to post updated links to each days writing. Feel free to bookmark this page for easy access!

Day 1 – Wonderful

Day 2 – Broken

Day 3 – Fascinating

Day 4 – Community

Day 5 – Safety

Day 6 – Beliefs

Day 7 – Ease

Day 8 – Shock

Day 9 – Books

Day 10 – More Books

Day 11 – Name

Day 12 – Decline

Day 13 – Fact

Day 14 – Rare

Day 15 – Beautiful

Day 16 – Lonesome

Day 17 – Reflections

Day 18 – Tiny

Day 19 – Favorite YouTube Channels

Day 20 – Changes

Day 21 – Adore

Day 22 – Danger

Day 23 – Common

Day 24 – Savor

Day 25 – Problem

Day 26 – Threat

Day 27 – Favorite Instagram Accounts (will go live on Feb. 27)

Day 28 – Stewardship (will go live on Feb 28)

4 thoughts on “Write 28 Days – Nervous System Regulation

    1. Thank you! Looking forward to yours as well – I think it’s a great idea to spread it out over various blogs as the need arises.

  1. Amy, what a great topic. This is going to be interesting. I can’t wait to go through this series with you.
    Visiting today from #Write28Days #6
    (I thought I had linked my landing page but I guess not, I’m going to fix it later)

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